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Our members care about their communities.

That’s why we partner with select nonprofit organizations to provide membership access to those who support them. If you don’t fall into our typical member criteria, consider joining one of our nonprofit partner associations to become eligible for membership with Chevron Federal Credit Union.

Please submit your nonprofit partner association application with your Chevron Federal Credit Union application so that we may assist you better.

Financial Fitness Association

Mission: To help members improve their financial well-being by advancing their financial literacy and managing resources effectively.

Membership Benefits: Each member receives access to the Financial Library, special discounts, newsletters, and resource center to help you plan for any life event. When you join Chevron Federal Credit Union via the Financial Fitness Association, Chevron Federal Credit Union will pay your initial $8 membership fee. There is no obligation to remain a member once you've joined Chevron Federal Credit Union.

Contra Costa County Historical Society

Mission: To preserve, protect, and provide public access to the records and heritage of Contra Costa County.

Membership benefits: Each new member receives a Historical Points of Interest map upon visiting the Center. Members receive via email the Society Bulletin, which is published quarterly, and also receive discounts on photo, research, and copying charges.

Download the Contra Costa County Historical Society application.
