5 Things to Think About When Looking for Extra Cash

Meal Plans for Healthy Savings
June 2, 2020 by Chevron Federal Credit Union
Having a quick and easy meal delivered when you’re hungry has never been more appealing since the Coronavirus swept the world, but it can take a toll on your wallet. Even if you don’t want to go to the store, you can get your groceries delivered for free or for less than the cost of one takeout delivery. It just takes a plan.
From meals to budgeting, a good plan can help you focus the things you need, stay organized, trim the excess, and stick to it. Here are four tips for creating a successful meal plan to boost your financial (and personal) health.
1. Cook things you actually enjoy
Tonight’s dinner can turn into tomorrow’s lunch! If you buy ingredients in bulk, you can use them in a variety of dishes as well.
2. Make a plan
Make a list of each meal you need to account for: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and maybe snacks too. Assign a meal to each of those areas based on what you want or what is already in your pantry. If you’re shopping online, it’s much easier to make a list first or use the repeat purchase option after you’ve completed a couple of order.
3. Shop with purpose
A stocked pantry is key to meal planning. See what’s already in your kitchen and make a list of missing essentials that can be used in multiple recipes (oils, seasonings, etc.). Planning your snacks will keep you from mindlessly munching when on a break from all your Zoom calls.
4. Don’t forget to plan for on-the-go snacks
One of the most common reasons people ditch their meal plan is because of hunger on-the-go. Don’t fall into the fast-food trap. Have a snack prepared, or buy filling items such as inexpensive fruits and nuts to tide you over until you get home.
A healthy meal prep comes down to three simple steps: plan, execute, and enjoy. The same goes for your budget. While we continue to social distance and wash our hands to stop the spread of this pandemic, don’t let its inconveniences affect your wallet. Let’s continue to stay physically and financially healthy together.
BALANCE is an amazing resource for all our members to utilize when taking on life's milestones. With trusted guidance available for free, they are ready to help everyone on the path to financial wellness. This article and many more can be found on their website: balancepro.org.