Memorial Day Letter from Captain Duane Duck
May 25, 2020 by Duane Duck, EVP Sales & Service
As Memorial Day approaches, I think back to what the holiday has meant to me. In my younger years, it was a symbol of freedom – just not in the traditional sense. It ushered in summer vacation! Gone were the days of alarm clocks, homework assignments, and late night studying, and replaced by three months of barbeques, swimming in the pool, and spending time with friends and family.
Memorial Day took on a more traditional meaning as a young adult: an opportunity to honor our nation and its fallen military heroes. Many in my family had served – my father, my brother, and several uncles and cousins. I looked to serve myself, so I joined ROTC and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Reserve.
My eleven years in the Army Reserve were a formative experience. I rose to the rank of Captain and had the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills that I still use today. I served as a commander of a Reserve unit at the Presidio of San Francisco. Twice I led detachments to South Korea to participate in major exercises with our Korean allies. I developed a great appreciation for the sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform. All true American heroes.
As I think about Memorial Day this year, my thoughts have changed once again. They are still with our heroes, but not just those who wear our nation’s uniform. There are others who have risen to the occasion during these unprecedented times. Essential workers, first responders, hospital staff, and everyone else who bravely steps forward to face this invisible enemy.
I could not be more proud of the essential workers I stand with here at Chevron Federal Credit Union. We continue to get the job done in spite of the challenges. The teams I lead now are as dedicated to their mission as any I led in the military. From the branches that continue to take every measure possible to safely serve our members to the staff working from home juggling childcare and other responsibilities, it is my honor to serve at your side.
So this Memorial Day, I will be celebrating our heroes. Many of us may not be able to barbeque around a pool with friends, but we will improvise, adapt, and overcome. From my brothers and sisters in the military to my CFCU family to all our members across the United States and abroad, thank you for your service.
Captain Duane Duck, EVP Sales & Services